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Workforce, customer experience initiatives in OMB’s PMA action plan

The President’s Management Agenda last week went from idea to action plan, complete with strategy leaders and metrics for success.

Workforce, customer experience initiatives in OMB’s PMA action plan

The President’s Management Agenda last week went from idea to action plan, complete with strategy leaders and metrics for success.

Workforce, customer experience initiatives in OMB’s PMA action plan

The President’s Management Agenda last week went from idea to action plan, complete with strategy leaders and metrics for success.

Lack of data readiness threatens digital transformation in healthcare

A majority of healthcare leaders have established digital transformation as a top priority spurred by the pandemic, yet they’re facing a chronic, underlying challenge that’s impeding their efforts: data readiness. As a result, the number of healthcare executives planning to invest in technologies designed to improve data readiness and support systemic interoperability is projected to jump 440% by 2025— the highest percentage of increased investment compared to other healthcare IT categories. Those insights and more … More → The post Lack of data readiness threatens digital transformation in healthcare appeared first on Help Net Security.

Lack of data readiness threatens digital transformation in healthcare

A majority of healthcare leaders have established digital transformation as a top priority spurred by the pandemic, yet they’re facing a chronic, underlying challenge that’s impeding their efforts: data readiness. As a result, the number of healthcare executives planning to invest in technologies designed to improve data readiness and support systemic interoperability is projected to jump 440% by 2025— the highest percentage of increased investment compared to other healthcare IT categories. Those insights and more … More → The post Lack of data readiness threatens digital transformation in healthcare appeared first on Help Net Security.

Lack of data readiness threatens digital transformation in healthcare

A majority of healthcare leaders have established digital transformation as a top priority spurred by the pandemic, yet they’re facing a chronic, underlying challenge that’s impeding their efforts: data readiness. As a result, the number of healthcare executives planning to invest in technologies designed to improve data readiness and support systemic interoperability is projected to jump 440% by 2025— the highest percentage of increased investment compared to other healthcare IT categories. Those insights and more … More → The post Lack of data readiness threatens digital transformation in healthcare appeared first on Help Net Security.

Keeper Password Manager for Business

In this video, Craig Lurey, CTO and Co-Founder of Keeper Security, explains the features of the Keeper Password Manager for Business. Keeper eliminates the pain of having to remember passwords while protecting your business from password-related data breaches and cyberthreats. Zero knowledge Keeper is a Zero-Knowledge platform which means that all of your passwords and private information is encrypted locally on your device and protected by 256-bit AES encryption keys. Master password Each user selects … More → The post Keeper Password Manager for Business appeared first on Help Net Security.

Magnet IGNITE helps businesses identify and assess cyber threats

Magnet Forensics launched Magnet IGNITE, a cloud-based triage solution enabling businesses to perform rapid, remote scans of target endpoints for malicious and insider activity. Magnet IGNITE can triage multiple remote endpoints at once to provide digital forensic and incident response teams with an early case assessment that will guide the next steps of their investigations into cyber threats. By quickly gathering intelligence and assessing a potential ransomware attack or an insider’s exfiltration of intellectual property, … More → The post Magnet IGNITE helps businesses identify and assess cyber threats appeared first on Help Net Security.

Magnet IGNITE helps businesses identify and assess cyber threats

Magnet Forensics launched Magnet IGNITE, a cloud-based triage solution enabling businesses to perform rapid, remote scans of target endpoints for malicious and insider activity. Magnet IGNITE can triage multiple remote endpoints at once to provide digital forensic and incident response teams with an early case assessment that will guide the next steps of their investigations into cyber threats. By quickly gathering intelligence and assessing a potential ransomware attack or an insider’s exfiltration of intellectual property, … More → The post Magnet IGNITE helps businesses identify and assess cyber threats appeared first on Help Net Security.