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White House focuses in on measuring Federal Sustainability Plan efforts to drive progress

Although the Federal Sustainability Plan has multiple long-term goals, the White House Council on Environmental Quality is focusing on interim milestones to keep agencies moving forward on an array of green government initiatives.

White House focuses in on measuring Federal Sustainability Plan efforts to drive progress

Although the Federal Sustainability Plan has multiple long-term goals, the White House Council on Environmental Quality is focusing on interim milestones to keep agencies moving forward on an array of green government initiatives.

White House focuses in on measuring Federal Sustainability Plan efforts to drive progress

Although the Federal Sustainability Plan has multiple long-term goals, the White House Council on Environmental Quality is focusing on interim milestones to keep agencies moving forward on an array of green government initiatives.

White House focuses in on measuring Federal Sustainability Plan efforts to drive progress

Although the Federal Sustainability Plan has multiple long-term goals, the White House Council on Environmental Quality is focusing on interim milestones to keep agencies moving forward on an array of green government initiatives.

White House focuses in on measuring Federal Sustainability Plan efforts to drive progress

Although the Federal Sustainability Plan has multiple long-term goals, the White House Council on Environmental Quality is focusing on interim milestones to keep agencies moving forward on an array of green government initiatives.

White House focuses in on measuring Federal Sustainability Plan efforts to drive progress

Although the Federal Sustainability Plan has multiple long-term goals, the White House Council on Environmental Quality is focusing on interim milestones to keep agencies moving forward on an array of green government initiatives.

Organizations remain ill-prepared for ransomware attacks

A Zerto study – conducted by ESG – shows that ransomware attacks remain a major concern for organizations. In fact, nearly three-quarters of organizations experiencing ransomware attacks in the past 12 months (73% of respondents in total) were negatively impacted. Even within the most advanced organizations (rated by ESG to be ‘Leaders’ in ransomware preparedness), 75% suffered operational disruption, calling into question how complete ransomware recovery strategies are even for those considered most prepared. The data … More → The post Organizations remain ill-prepared for ransomware attacks appeared first on Help Net Security.

Organizations remain ill-prepared for ransomware attacks

A Zerto study – conducted by ESG – shows that ransomware attacks remain a major concern for organizations. In fact, nearly three-quarters of organizations experiencing ransomware attacks in the past 12 months (73% of respondents in total) were negatively impacted. Even within the most advanced organizations (rated by ESG to be ‘Leaders’ in ransomware preparedness), 75% suffered operational disruption, calling into question how complete ransomware recovery strategies are even for those considered most prepared. The data … More → The post Organizations remain ill-prepared for ransomware attacks appeared first on Help Net Security.

Organizations remain ill-prepared for ransomware attacks

A Zerto study – conducted by ESG – shows that ransomware attacks remain a major concern for organizations. In fact, nearly three-quarters of organizations experiencing ransomware attacks in the past 12 months (73% of respondents in total) were negatively impacted. Even within the most advanced organizations (rated by ESG to be ‘Leaders’ in ransomware preparedness), 75% suffered operational disruption, calling into question how complete ransomware recovery strategies are even for those considered most prepared. The data … More → The post Organizations remain ill-prepared for ransomware attacks appeared first on Help Net Security.