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The Biden administration has a new challenge emerging for the second half of the term

Political appointees often leave an administration after the first two years. The pace of departures from the Biden administration at two years is happening at a quickening pace.

Pentagon turns to digital engineering in shift toward ‘great power competition’

After two decades of counterterrorism missions, the Defense Department is shifting its attention to “great power competition.” DoD’s approach to engineering is also changing as it looks to upgrade its systems, integrate old with new, and have more resilience in the face of both cyber and kinetic attacks. DoD is now emphasizing the use of digital engineering to modernize its systems for the potential “near-peer” fight.

Defense Industrial Base loses thousands more firms, mainly because DoD is a tough customer

More than 17,000 companies left the Defense Industrial Base over the past five years, according to an annual assessment by one of the Defense industry’s main trade associations.

Top cybersecurity M&A deals for 2023

Uncertainty and instability marked the end of 2022 for many in the tech sector, a trend that bled into the beginning of 2023. Following on the heels of a drought in IT talent came mass layoffs at many of the world’s biggest tech companies as predictions of recession loomed and war in Ukraine dragged on with no end in sight. Global concern over cybersecurity has never been higher, with attacks coming fast and furious and in ever-growing numbers, and 65% of organizations planned to increase cybersecurity spending in 2023. That means CISOs may be pressured to do more with what they have as budgets shrink even as demand for security increases. And they should be aware of what could change if one of their vendors is acquired in this climate. To read this article in full, please click here

SecuriThings Managed Service Platform secures physical security devices

SecuriThings announced a new Managed Service Platform for the physical security space that enables managed service providers to manage, visualize and maintain customer environments from a single pane of glass. Organizations across the globe invest extensively in buying and installing fleets of physical security devices – often across multiple sites, countries and continents. These assets require regular maintenance to stay operational, compliant and secure from cyber attacks: from password rotations and firmware upgrades, to general … More → The post SecuriThings Managed Service Platform secures physical security devices appeared first on Help Net Security.

The long-running FedRAMP program for cloud computing just became law

The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, known as FedRAMP, is supposed to make it easier for agencies to use commercial cloud computing. FedRAMP, as policy, has been around for a dozen years, but only became law at the end of last year.

Vulnerability in Spring Framework Affecting Cisco Products: March 2022

On March 31, 2022, the following critical vulnerability in the Spring Framework affecting Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux applications running on JDK 9+ was released:      CVE-2022-22965: Spring Framework RCE via Data Binding on JDK 9+ For a description of this vulnerability, see VMware Spring Framework Security Vulnerability Report. This advisory is available at the following link: https://sec.cloudapps.cisco.com/security/center/content/CiscoSecurityAdvisory/cisco-sa-java-spring-rce-Zx9GUc67 Security Impact Rating: Critical CVE: CVE-2022-22965

NIST chooses encryption algorithms for lightweight IoT devices

ASCON is the name of the group of lightweight authenticated encryption and hashing algorithms that the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has chosen to secure the data generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices: implanted medical devices, keyless entry fobs, “smart home” devices, etc. Gathered under the ASCON label are seven algorithms, some of which may not end up being included in the lightweight cryptography standard NIST is plans to publish later … More → The post NIST chooses encryption algorithms for lightweight IoT devices appeared first on Help Net Security.

Establishing secure habits for software development in 2023

As a new year commences, it’s not unusual for people to take the opportunity to adopt better practices and principles and embrace new ways of thinking in both their personal and professional lives. Software development teams always strive to master their trade, improve their practices, and deliver secure applications and services, especially because application security risks are mounting and expectations are higher than ever (53% of developers are now expected to take full responsibility for … More → The post Establishing secure habits for software development in 2023 appeared first on Help Net Security.