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Week in review: Fake ChatGPT desktop client steals data, Patch Tuesday forecast

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles, interviews and videos: Former Uber CSO avoids prison for concealing data breach Joe Sullivan, the former Uber CSO who has been convicted last year for attempting to cover up a data breach Uber suffered in 2016 and kept it hidden from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), has been sentenced to three years of probation plus 200 hours of community service. Critical RCE vulnerability … More → The post Week in review: Fake ChatGPT desktop client steals data, Patch Tuesday forecast appeared first on Help Net Security.

CACI collaborates with Torchlight to provide secure access to dark web for SOF customers

CACI announced a strategic partnership to provide the DarkPursuit capability within the Torchlight Catalyst platform. This partnership will provide Torchlight customers, mainly Special Operations Forces (SOF), with safe and secure access to browse the open, deep, and dark web. “We are excited to partner with Torchlight to provide SOF customers with safe and secure access to Dark Web and open-source channels through the DarkPursuit infrastructure,” said Meisha Lutsey, President of Operations Support and Services. “This … More → The post CACI collaborates with Torchlight to provide secure access to dark web for SOF customers appeared first on Help Net Security.

Report Suggests Microsoft and AMD Collaborating on AI Chip

A Thursday report by Bloomberg stated that Microsoft and AMD are collaborating on an artificial intelligence (AI) chip as an alternative to Nvidia’s AI processor market dominance with its graphics processing units (GPUs).

BrandPost: Mercury Financial gains a competitive advantage with zero trust

A born-in-the-cloud company, Mercury Financial upholds a competitive advantage in the financial services industry through advanced technology tools that help its customers responsibly manage their credit and offer them credit as they’ve never had before. Dedicated to continuous improvement through innovation, Mercury Financial recently transformed its traditional security architecture and built a risk-based, cloud-native security program. Its transformation overhaul was driven by three reasons: compliance with financial services regulations like PCI DSS, replacing traditional VPN technology to improve user experiences and traffic visibility, and strengthening security controls to its Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. To read this article in full, please click here