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What is the origin of passwords submitted to honeypots?, (Sat, Sep 2nd)

We use passwords just about everywhere in our daily lives. It's difficult to think of an online service where we don't have a need to enter some kind of credentials to access our content. DShield honeypots collect a variety of data, including passwords, that are submitted from SSH and telnet attacks.

Software industry urged to assume risk on open source security

The Open Source Security Foundation called on commercial and non-commercial organizations that use open source software components to adopt better security practices.

Microsoft Will Unbundle Teams from Office Business Products in EU Countries

Microsoft announced on Thursday that it is unbundling its Teams collaboration product from the bulk of its Microsoft 365 and Office 365 productivity suites, but just in European Union (EU) member countries and Switzerland.

Microsoft Releases Group Policy Analytics Tool for Assessing MDM Migrations

Microsoft on Tuesday announced the release of a Group Policy analytics tool that’s designed to show which on-premises policies for Windows 10 and Windows 11 clients will have support when using mobile device management tools.