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Week in review: 6 free resources for getting started in cybersecurity, Patch Tuesday forecast

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles, interviews and videos: The misconceptions preventing wider adoption of digital signatures In this Help Net Security interview, Thorsten Hau, CEO at fidentity, discusses the legal validity of qualified digital signatures, demonstrating their equivalence to handwritten signatures when backed by robust identity verification. Shifting left and right, innovating product security In this Help Net Security interview, Slava Bronfman, CEO at Cybellum, discusses approaches for … More → The post Week in review: 6 free resources for getting started in cybersecurity, Patch Tuesday forecast appeared first on Help Net Security.

What do neurons, fireflies and dancing the Nutbush have in common?

Synchronicity is all around us, but it is poorly understood. Computer scientists have now developed new tools to understand how human and natural networks fall in and out of sync.

?Anyone get the ASN of the Truck that Hit Me?!?: Creating a PowerShell Function to Make 3rd Party API Calls for Extending Honeypot Information [Guest Diary], (Sat, Sep 9th)

[This is a Guest Diary by Chris Vucic, an ISC intern as part of the SANS.edu BACS program]

Nothing from the government comes without gobs of documentation

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program has been in gestation at the Defense Department longer than a baby elephant. CMMC is still not operational, but, boy, has it produced documents. Just out, new scoping documents. Do contractors need to read them? To discuss that topic, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin was joined in studio by Holland and Knight contracting attorney Eric Crucius.

Felony convictions vacated for 4 former Navy officers in sprawling ‘Fat Leonard’ bribery scandal

Felony convictions have been vacated for four former Navy officers in a sprawling bribery scandal following allegations of prosecutorial misconduct. U.S. District Judge Janis Sammartino on Wednesday called the misconduct “outrageous” and agreed to allow the four men to plead guilty to a misdemeanor and pay a $100 fine each. The former officers were convicted in one of the worst bribery cases in recent history for the Navy. It centered around a defense contractor nicknamed Fat Leonard. Defense attorneys had spent more than a year challenging the convictions and accusing the prosecution of misconduct. It was the latest surprise in the case.

Revolutionize Your Security Risk Prioritization: Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)

Streamline security with unified CTEM risk management. Derek Melber shares how to merge various security aspects into one view, reducing risks and costs while improving overall security. Learn more!

Unimplemented controls could derail your ESG compliance efforts

Two-thirds of organizations have not implemented environmental, social and governance (ESG) controls, and 60% do not currently perform internal ESG audits, according to a report by AuditBoard. Lack of ESG program readiness This lack of ESG program readiness raises the risk of reporting incomplete or incorrect data and leaves organizations unprepared to maintain compliance with future regulations, including the forthcoming ESG rules from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The report also indicates that some … More → The post Unimplemented controls could derail your ESG compliance efforts appeared first on Help Net Security.

3 ways agencies can build on CISA’s new secure-by-design, secure-by-default principles

CISA’s new Secure-by-Design, Secure-by-Default principles offer a road map to guide technology providers to a more secure future. By addressing integration, automation and collaboration, agencies can improve the odds our shared technology ecosystem reaches that destination.

MacOS malware has a new trick up its sleeve

A newer version of the Atomic Stealer macOS malware has a new trick that allows it to bypass the operating system’s Gatekeeper, Malwarebytes researchers have discovered. Mac malware delivered through Google ads The malware, which was first advertised in April 2023, is an infostealer that can grab passwords from browsers, Apple’s keychain, files, crypto wallets, and more. “Criminals who buy the toolkit have been distributing it mostly via cracked software downloads but are also impersonating … More → The post MacOS malware has a new trick up its sleeve appeared first on Help Net Security.