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Congress, Biden administration look for ways to boost federal recruitment, retention of military spouses

Between newly introduced bipartisan legislation and guidance from OPM, military spouses are getting several possible avenues to more flexible employment in government.

AI: Researchers develop automatic text recognition for ancient cuneiform tablets

A new artificial intelligence (AI) software is now able to decipher difficult-to-read texts on cuneiform tablets. Instead of photos, the AI system uses 3D models of the tablets, delivering significantly more reliable results than previous methods. This makes it possible to search through the contents of multiple tablets to compare them with each other. It also paves the way for entirely new research questions.  

Breakthrough in tackling increasing demand by ‘internet of things’ on mobile networks

A novel technology to manage demands on mobile networks from multiple users using Terahertz frequencies has been developed by computer scientists.

AFP, ACIC continue to use account takeover, network activity powers

But seek no data disruption warrants.

Agencies would have an easier time approving pay bonuses under OPM proposal

A new proposed rule from OPM aims to offload a bit of transactional work and let the agency focus more on governmentwide human capital policy.

Agencies would have an easier time approving pay bonuses under OPM proposal

A new proposed rule from OPM aims to offload a bit of transactional work and let the agency focus more on governmentwide human capital policy.

Leaders continue calls to end military holds

The Army and Air Force secretaries warn about how Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) holds on confirming officers are hurting the military and service members’ families.

Leaders continue calls to end military holds

The Army and Air Force secretaries warn about how Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) holds on confirming officers are hurting the military and service members’ families.

Capital Projects: Capital Planning, Budgeting and Funding

When governments or corporations make large investments, they don’t do so without serious planning. There’s a lot of money involved in these capital projects and that means getting the funding and allocating the finances wisely. Let’s take a look at… Read More The post Capital Projects: Capital Planning, Budgeting and Funding appeared first on ProjectManager.

To stay employed, military spouses continue to battle their highly-mobile lifestyles

In today’s Federal Newscast: The Navy has a new 14-page cyber strategy that was published yesterday. House lawmakers want to offer more help to military spouses who battle mobility in order to keep their jobs. And the National Archives and Records Administration is on track to eliminate the veterans records backlog by January.