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AI raises CIO cyber anxieties

Using third-party generative AI products without the proper controls exposes existing security gaps, McKinsey and Company Partner Jan Shelly Brown said Tuesday at the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium.

Air Force expanding cloud as operational, tactical lines blur

Venice Goodwine, the Air Force’s CIO, said one goal is to create more transparency on how much money mission owners are spending on cloud services. The post Air Force expanding cloud as operational, tactical lines blur first appeared on Federal News Network.

Why yq? Adventures in XML, (Thu, May 16th)

I was recently asked to “recover” a RADIUS key from a Microsoft NPS server.  No problem I think, just export the config and it's all there in clear text right?

Animal brain inspired AI game changer for autonomous robots

A team of researchers has developed a drone that flies autonomously using neuromorphic image processing and control based on the workings of animal brains. Animal brains use less data and energy compared to current deep neural networks running on GPUs (graphic chips). Neuromorphic processors are therefore very suitable for small drones because they don’t need heavy and large hardware and batteries. The results are extraordinary: during flight the drone’s deep neural network processes data up to 64 times faster and consumes three times less energy than when running on a GPU. Further developments of this technology may enable the leap for drones to become as small, agile, and smart as flying insects or birds.

Senators delay federal telework bill to consider adding work-from-home supervision

The Telework Reform Act will move to the full Senate for consideration, while the Telework Transparency Act will remain in the committee for further discussion. The post Senators delay federal telework bill to consider adding work-from-home supervision first appeared on Federal News Network.

VA’s IT shop defends raises under Special Salary Rate amid planned budget cuts

The Department of Veterans Affairs’ IT shop is preparing for budget cuts across some of biggest priorities next year — but not for its growing workforce. The post VA’s IT shop defends raises under Special Salary Rate amid planned budget cuts first appeared on Federal News Network.

ConfD CLI Privilege Escalation and Arbitrary File Read and Write Vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities in the ConfD CLI could allow an authenticated, low-privileged, local attacker to read and write arbitrary files as root or elevate privileges to root on the underlying operating system.   For more information about these vulnerabilities, see the Details section of this advisory.  Cisco has released software updates that address these vulnerabilities. There are no workarounds that address these vulnerabilities. This advisory is available at the following link: https://sec.cloudapps.cisco.com/security/center/content/CiscoSecurityAdvisory/cisco-sa-cnfd-rwpesc-ZAOufyx8 Security Impact Rating: High CVE: CVE-2024-20326,CVE-2024-20389

Got MFA? If not, Now is the Time!, (Wed, May 15th)

I had an interesting call from a client recently – they had a number of “net use” and “psexec” commands pop up on a domain controller, all called from PSEXEC (thank goodness for a good EDR deployed across the board!!). The source IP was a VPN session.

NIST aims to cut ‘tech speak’ from cyber workforce framework

The NICE framework, which defines cyber workforce roles, just added new competencies and updated skills. But for cyber leaders at NIST, that’s only the start. The post NIST aims to cut ‘tech speak’ from cyber workforce framework first appeared on Federal News Network.