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From passwords to passkeys: Enhancing security and user satisfaction

In this Help Net Security interview, Julianna Lamb, Stytch CTO, discusses the advantages of passwordless authentication. Eliminating passwords reduces data breaches and improves user experience by simplifying the login process. Lamb also addresses the technical challenges and economic implications of passwordless authentication methods like passkeys. In terms of user experience, what are the benefits of going passwordless? The vast majority of data breaches today involve a human element, and the most common “way-in” for bad … More → The post From passwords to passkeys: Enhancing security and user satisfaction appeared first on Help Net Security.

Guard’s support of DHS adds no military value

Gen. Daniel Hokanson, the National Guard Bureau chief, says sending troops to the border detracts the Guard from building its warfighting readiness. The post Guard’s support of DHS adds no military value first appeared on Federal News Network.

CISA looks to set the example for data stewardship under ‘zero trust’ push

CISA is helping agencies advance data security, while ensuring it has its own data house in order. The post CISA looks to set the example for data stewardship under ‘zero trust’ push first appeared on Federal News Network.

Pure Storage enhances its platform with cyber resiliency services and capabilities

Pure Storage announced three new Storage as-a-Service (STaaS) service-level agreements (SLAs) for the Pure Storage platform – cyber recovery and resilience and site rebalance – further empowering organizations to guarantee outcomes and reduce risk in their critical data infrastructure. AI is revolutionizing business, and not always for the better. Cybercriminals are increasingly using AI to increase the frequency and impact of cyberattacks, especially ransomware. However, existing IT infrastructure generally lacks flexibility to react to the … More → The post Pure Storage enhances its platform with cyber resiliency services and capabilities appeared first on Help Net Security.

Rising exploitation in enterprise software: Key trends for CISOs

Action1 researchers found an alarming increase in the total number of vulnerabilities across all enterprise software categories. “With the NVD’s delay in associating Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) identifiers with CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) data, our report comes at a critical moment, providing much-needed insights into the evolving vulnerability landscape for enterprise software,” said Mike Walters, President of Action1. “Our goal is to arm key decision makers with essential knowledge so that they can prioritize … More → The post Rising exploitation in enterprise software: Key trends for CISOs appeared first on Help Net Security.

IT pros worry over the data that fuels AI

More than 2 in 5 technologists have already had a negative AI experience, according to a SolarWinds survey.

Federal Executive Forum CTO’s Profiles in Excellence in Government 2024: Innovation and Emerging Technologies

What technology initiatives have been successful and what are plans for the future? The post Federal Executive Forum CTO’s Profiles in Excellence in Government 2024: Innovation and Emerging Technologies first appeared on Federal News Network.

Molecular sponge for the electronics of the future

An international research team has succeeded in developing a new type of material in the rather young research field of covalent organic frameworks. The new two-dimensional polymer is characterized by the fact that its properties can be controlled in a targeted and reversible manner. This has brought the researchers a step closer to the goal of realizing switchable quantum states.