Why Turkey’s constitutional referendum on Sunday is such a big deal
President Erdogan’s push to give his largely ceremonial post new powers will ripple through the U.S., Europe and Middle East
President Erdogan’s push to give his largely ceremonial post new powers will ripple through the U.S., Europe and Middle East
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif calls for an investigation into the alleged chemical attack in Syria’s Khan Sheikhun. Video provided by AFP
President Donald Trump is not afraid to use Twitter as a political tool. But North Korea thinks Trump’s tweets are to blame for rising tensions between them and the United States. Susana Victoria Perez (@susana_vp) has more.
The US military’s largest non-nuclear bomb kills dozens of Islamic State militants as it smashes their mountain hideouts. Video provided by AFP
The US and NATO commander in Afghanistan on Friday defended the use of the MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast) bomb against an Islamic State cave and tunnel system. (April 14)
A 23-year-old British female tourist was stabbed to death in Jerusalem on Friday and her attacker arrested, police said. Video provided by AFP
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman says the Kremlin does not have confirmed information on the targeted violence.
Only 29% of participants attributed the existence of the Islamic State to internal conflicts in the Middle East.
The ban became legal in 1919. Buzz60’s Emily Drooby (@emilydrooby) has more.
A fur coat worn by a Titanic survivor as the ship sank is being sold for $80,000. Buzz60’s Djenane Beaulieu (@djenanebeaulieu) has more.