433 Central Ave., 4th Floor, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | [email protected] | Office: (813) 563-2652

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NGSO Constellations Everywhere, Déjà Vu all Over Again, and What the Future Really Holds: On this Constellations Podcast, we’ll talk about the exponential growth of Non-Geostationary-Orbit (NGSO) satellite constellations, their commercial and go-to-market plans, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in realizing a bandwidth filled future. Well over 50,000 NGSO communications smallsats are planned for launch over the next decade. SpaceX, Amazon Project Kuiper, SES, Telesat, OneWeb and many other constellation providers are promising to transform the space industry with thousands of NGSOs beaming tens of Terabits per second to the ground to satisfy a seemingly endless demand for bandwidth. During this episode, Nathan de Ruiter, the Managing Director of Euroconsult Canada will share insights into the go-to-market plans and commercial strategy for these NGSO constellations and the implications from a business model, cost, funding and ground segment perspective.   @PoseidonTPA #PoseidonTPA #Constellations #Innovation

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NGSO Constellations Everywhere, Déjà Vu all Over Again, and What the Future Really Holds: On this Constellations Podcast, we’ll talk about the exponential growth of Non-Geostationary-Orbit (NGSO) satellite constellations, their commercial and go-to-market plans, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in realizing a bandwidth filled future. Well over 50,000 NGSO communications smallsats are planned for launch over the next decade. SpaceX, Amazon Project Kuiper, SES, Telesat, OneWeb and many other constellation providers are promising to transform the space industry with thousands of NGSOs beaming tens of Terabits per second to the ground to satisfy a seemingly endless demand for bandwidth. During this episode, Nathan de Ruiter, the Managing Director of Euroconsult Canada will share insights into the go-to-market plans and commercial strategy for these NGSO constellations and the implications from a business model, cost, funding and ground segment perspective.   @PoseidonTPA #PoseidonTPA #Constellations #Innovation