433 Central Ave., 4th Floor, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | [email protected] | Office: (813) 563-2652

TuxCare DatabaseCare provides live patching service for open-source enterprise-grade databases

TuxCare released DatabaseCare, its live patching service for the most common open-source enterprise-grade databases, MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL. With this service, TuxCare eliminates one of the biggest hurdles in maintaining up-to-date databases – the difficulty of taking down one of the core services in today’s enterprise IT infrastructure. While most IT teams understand the risks associated with an unpatched database, they struggle to find the right maintenance window opportunities to deploy security patches and fixes … More → The post TuxCare DatabaseCare provides live patching service for open-source enterprise-grade databases appeared first on Help Net Security.

Scamming You Through Social Media

You may be aware that cyber attacks will try to trick you over the phone or through email using phishing attacks, but do you realize they may try to attack you also over social media channels, such as Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn? Just like in email, if you get any social media messages that are highly urgent or too good to be true, it may be an attack.

Parasoft SOAtest empowers teams to overcome software quality challenges

Parasoft released Parasoft SOAtest. The intelligent automated testing and quality platform empowers teams to overcome software quality challenges and achieve continuous delivery at speed. API security testing is the key focus of this Parasoft release and shifts security testing into developer workflows for an API testing strategy that spans from development through test to AppSec. The API testing platform extends penetration testing and offers a new level of visibility by combining Parasoft SOAtest’s seamless dynamic … More → The post Parasoft SOAtest empowers teams to overcome software quality challenges appeared first on Help Net Security.

Pentagon warns lawmakers to make sure it pays off America’s debts

In today’s Federal Newscast, the Justice Department is bringing the power of the False Claims Act to the growing challenge of cybersecurity.

Pentagon warns lawmakers to make sure it pays off America’s debts

In today’s Federal Newscast, the Justice Department is bringing the power of the False Claims Act to the growing challenge of cybersecurity.

YubiKey Bio Series supports fingerprint recognition for passwordless and second factor logins

Yubico launched YubiKey Bio Series, the first YubiKey series that supports fingerprint recognition for secure passwordless and second factor logins. Built for biometric authentication on desktops, the YubiKey Bio Series supports modern FIDO2/WebAuthn and U2F protocols, in both USB-A and USB-C form factors. The YubiKey Bio is available for purchase at a retail price of $80 for the USB-A form-factor and $85 for the USB-C form-factor. Premium tier YubiEnterprise Subscription customers can also experience YubiKey … More → The post YubiKey Bio Series supports fingerprint recognition for passwordless and second factor logins appeared first on Help Net Security.

YubiKey Bio Series supports fingerprint recognition for passwordless and second factor logins

Yubico launched YubiKey Bio Series, the first YubiKey series that supports fingerprint recognition for secure passwordless and second factor logins. Built for biometric authentication on desktops, the YubiKey Bio Series supports modern FIDO2/WebAuthn and U2F protocols, in both USB-A and USB-C form factors. The YubiKey Bio is available for purchase at a retail price of $80 for the USB-A form-factor and $85 for the USB-C form-factor. Premium tier YubiEnterprise Subscription customers can also experience YubiKey … More → The post YubiKey Bio Series supports fingerprint recognition for passwordless and second factor logins appeared first on Help Net Security.