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Wireshark, the popular network protocol analyzer, has reached version 4.4.2. It is used for troubleshooting, analysis, development and education. The following vulnerabilities have been fixed: wnpa-sec-2024-14 FiveCo RAP dissector infinite loop. wnpa-sec-2024-15 ECMP dissector crash. Updated protocol support: ARTNET, ASN.1 PER, BACapp, BT BR/EDR, CQL, DOF, ECMP, ENIP, FiveCo RAP, Frame, FTDI FT, HSRP, HTTP/2, ICMPv6, IEEE 802.11, MBTCP, MMS, MPEG PES, PN-DCP, POP, ProtoBuf, PTP, RPC, RTCP, SIP, SRT, Syslog, TCP, UMTS RLC, USB … More → The post Wireshark 4.4.2: Security updates, bug fixes, updated protocol support appeared first on Help Net Security.