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Week in review: Tips for starting your cybersecurity career, Patch Tuesday forecast

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles, interviews and videos: August 2024 Patch Tuesday forecast: Looking for a calm August release August 2024 July ended up being more ‘exciting’ than many of us wanted; we’re supposed to be in the height of summer vacation season. First, we had a large set of updates on Patch Tuesday, then we had to work through the CrowdStrike event, and finally many of us … More → The post Week in review: Tips for starting your cybersecurity career, Patch Tuesday forecast appeared first on Help Net Security.

Glimpse into the nanoworld: Microscope reveals tiniest cell processes

What does the inside of a cell really look like? In the past, standard microscopes were limited in how well they could answer this question. Now, researchers have succeeded in developing a microscope with resolutions better than five nanometers (five billionths of a meter). This is roughly equivalent to the width of a hair split into 10,000 strands.

Lawmakers, DoD to explore portfolio-based acquisition

“Portfolio-based acquisition would get you to that point where I can make dynamic changes in how we invest in programs,” said Dave Tremper. The post Lawmakers, DoD to explore portfolio-based acquisition first appeared on Federal News Network.

New substrate material for flexible electronics could help combat e-waste

A new material for flexible electronics could enable multilayered, recyclable electronic devices and help limit e-waste.

A deep dive into polyimides for high-frequency wireless telecommunications

Detailed measurements and analysis of the dielectric properties of polyimides could bolster the development of 6G wireless communication technologies, report scientists from Tokyo Tech and EM Labs, Inc. Using a device known as a Fabry–P rot resonator, they measured the dielectric constants and dissipation factors of various types of polyimides at frequencies up to 330 GHz. Their findings provide design pointers for polymer-based insulating materials suitable for applications in high-frequency telecommunications.

Data governance never takes a vacation

Effective data management remains an unrelenting necessity, always demanding continuous vigilance, even as we unwind for summer vacations. The post Data governance never takes a vacation first appeared on Federal News Network.

Data governance never takes a vacation

Effective data management remains an unrelenting necessity, always demanding continuous vigilance, even as we unwind for summer vacations. The post Data governance never takes a vacation first appeared on Federal News Network.

The Thrift Savings Plan website — a midyear review of functionality

Its website provides the front door to the Thrift Savings Plans for most federal employees. The board that runs the TSP has contracted for many updates. The post The Thrift Savings Plan website — a midyear review of functionality first appeared on Federal News Network.

This bill would spur Veterans Affairs to increase contracting with women-owned small business

At Veterans Affairs, about two-and-a-half percent of contract dollars have gone to women-owned businesses, against a goal of five percent. The post This bill would spur Veterans Affairs to increase contracting with women-owned small business first appeared on Federal News Network.

ISC Stormcast For Friday, August 9th, 2024 https://isc.sans.edu/podcastdetail/9090, (Fri, Aug 9th)

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