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Mirantis acquires Shipa to extend management capabilities beyond containers to applications

Mirantis has acquired Shipa to add automated application discovery, operations, security, and observability to the Lens Kubernetes Platform. Lens helps eliminate Kubernetes complexity – accelerating mainstream developer adoption – and empowers users to easily manage, develop, debug, monitor, and troubleshoot their workloads across multiple clusters in real-time, supporting any certified Kubernetes distribution, on any infrastructure. Shipa’s technology brings application intelligence and awareness to Lens, making it easy and simple for Kubernetes app owners to run, … More → The post Mirantis acquires Shipa to extend management capabilities beyond containers to applications appeared first on Help Net Security.

New study suggests that when forecasting trends, reading a bar chart versus a line graph biases our judgement

A new study suggests that the format in which graphs are presented may be biasing people into being too optimistic or pessimistic about the trends the graphs display. Academics found that when people made predictions about how a trend would develop over time, they made lower judgements when the trend was presented as a ‘bar chart’ type graph than when exactly the same data was presented as a line graph or a graph consisting of a set of data points only.

Office 365 Backup For Dummies

Get this easy-to-read e-book For Dummies, and learn how to best backup and protect your Office 365 data. It’s you data, it’s your responsibility to protect it!

7 Critical Reasons for Office 365 Backup

You have one more reason added to the 6 critical reasons to protect your Office 365 data. This 5-minute read document helps you convince your managers and peers that your organization needs Office 365 data protection.