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Cloudflare partners with Yubico to help customers in adopting a hardware key security model

Cloudflare has announced a new offering to make physical security keys the most accessible and economical solution for customers to better secure their business and employees. Cloudflare customers will be able to purchase Yubico’s security keys, at a “good for the Internet” cost. A zero trust security model means that no one is trusted, by default, regardless if they’re inside or outside of a corporate network. As such, verification is required from everyone trying to … More → The post Cloudflare partners with Yubico to help customers in adopting a hardware key security model appeared first on Help Net Security.

The significance of parallel tasks execution for security teams

Infosec teams require nimble security tools to operate in realistic conditions, which may involve thousands of simultaneous events. In this Help Net Security video, Leonid Belkind, CTO at Torq, discusses parallel execution, which enables security operations professionals to execute more tasks simultaneously to enrich, analyze, contain, and resolve security threats. The post The significance of parallel tasks execution for security teams appeared first on Help Net Security.

Top issues driving cybersecurity: Growing number of cybercriminals, variety of attacks

Fortifying cybersecurity defenses remains a work in progress for many organizations, who acknowledge their shortcomings but have yet to commit the necessary resources to the effort, according to new research from CompTIA. While a majority of respondents in each of seven geographic regions feels that their company’s cybersecurity is satisfactory, CompTIA’s “State of Cybersecurity” shows that a much smaller number rank the situation as “completely satisfactory.” Nearly everyone feels that there is room for improvement. … More → The post Top issues driving cybersecurity: Growing number of cybercriminals, variety of attacks appeared first on Help Net Security.

65% of companies are considering adopting VPN alternatives

Despite high awareness of VPN risks, remote work forced many companies to rely more heavily on legacy access methods during the pandemic. At the same time, cybercriminals continue to take advantage of long-standing security vulnerabilities and increased attacks on VPNs, according to Zscaler’s VPN Risk Report. “As evident in several high profile breaches and ransomware attacks, VPNs continue to be one of the weakest links in cybersecurity. Their architecture deficiencies provide an entry point to … More → The post 65% of companies are considering adopting VPN alternatives appeared first on Help Net Security.

Data security trends: 7 statistics you need to know

U.S. businesses are at high risk for data security threats from increasingly effective phishing attempts and the lack of procedures to restrict data access, according to GetApp’s 4th Annual Data Security Report. Newer companies are especially vulnerable to security threats. This survey of IT security managers and employees reveals seven significant trends related to data security threats facing U.S. businesses: 1. Phishing emails are on the rise, and so are the employees clicking the links … More → The post Data security trends: 7 statistics you need to know appeared first on Help Net Security.