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The connected nature of smart factories is exponentially increasing the risk of cyber attacks

51% of industrial organizations believe that the number of cyber attacks on smart factories is likely to increase over the next 12 months, according to the Capgemini Research Institute. Yet, 47% of manufacturers say cybersecurity in their smart factories is not a C-level concern. Around 53% of organizations – including 60% of heavy-industry and 56% of pharma and life sciences firms – agree that most future cyberthreats will feature smart factories as their primary targets. … More → The post The connected nature of smart factories is exponentially increasing the risk of cyber attacks appeared first on Help Net Security.

Encryption is high up on corporate priority lists

The number of UK organisations implementing data encryption as a core part of their cybersecurity strategy has continued to rise, with 32% introducing a policy to encrypt all corporate information as standard in the last year. In total, 47% now require the encryption of all data, whether it’s at rest or in transit, according to Apricorn. 32% of organisations encrypt all data when it’s stored on their systems or in the cloud. Only 2% do … More → The post Encryption is high up on corporate priority lists appeared first on Help Net Security.

EternalBlue 5 years after WannaCry and NotPetya, (Tue, Jul 5th)

We are about two months past the 5-year anniversary of WannaCry outbreak[1] and about a week past the 5-year anniversary of NotPetya outbreak[2]. Since both WannaCry and NotPetya used the EternalBlue[3] exploit in order to spread, I thought that it might be interesting to take a look at how many internet-facing systems still remain vulnerable to it.

Who’s really in control?

Researchers studied the effect of the ‘attitudes’ of a semi-autonomous telepresence robot on its human operator. They found that when a person controlled only a part of the body of a semi-autonomous robot, its expressed opinions affected him or her. This work may help assist in the development of new semi-autonomous robots to perform labor more efficiently.

How the public sector can overcome training and skills gaps to combat rising cyber threats

Strengthening the current cybersecurity workforce with knowledgeable employees and implementing new cloud-based programs alongside legacy systems would significantly protect the U.S. public sector from looming threats. 

11 top cloud security threats

Identity and access issues topped the list of concerns of IT pros in the Cloud Security Alliance’s annual Top Threats to Cloud Computing: The Pandemic 11 report released earlier this month. “Data breaches and data loss were the top concerns last year,” says CSA Global Vice President of Research John Yeoh. “This year, they weren’t even in the top 11.” “What that tells me is the cloud customer is getting a lot smarter,” Yeoh continues. “They’re getting away from worrying about end results—a data breach or loss is an end result—and looking at the causes of those results (data access, misconfigurations, insecure applications) and taking control of them.” To read this article in full, please click here