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New Azure for Operators solutions and services built for the future of telecommunications

Imagine the benefits to communities and organizations that have access to improved bandwidth, reliability, and reduced latency, while leveraging the rich capabilities of cloud-to-edge technology without compromise to security, critical services, or key workloads. With the most complete offerings for the telecommunications industry, Microsoft is the ideal cloud provider to help operators with their digital transformation journey and enable them to deliver these innovative services to their consumer, enterprise, and public sector customers. Today, we’re announcing the next wave of Azure for Operators solutions and services.

New Azure for Operators solutions and services built for the future of telecommunications

Imagine the benefits to communities and organizations that have access to improved bandwidth, reliability, and reduced latency, while leveraging the rich capabilities of cloud-to-edge technology without compromise to security, critical services, or key workloads. With the most complete offerings for the telecommunications industry, Microsoft is the ideal cloud provider to help operators with their digital transformation journey and enable them to deliver these innovative services to their consumer, enterprise, and public sector customers. Today, we’re announcing the next wave of Azure for Operators solutions and services.

Keysight Technologies partners with Telefonica to deploy open networking solutions

Keysight Technologies has in collaboration with Telefonica, accomplished the first validation of an open radio access network (RAN) xHaul transport link, advancing development of transport networks based on the O-RAN specifications. xHaul is a unified fronthaul and backhaul networking infrastructure. It creates a common packet-based transport network for flexible and software-defined reconfiguration of networking elements in a service-oriented unified management framework. Mobile operators, such as Telefonica, are implementing O-RAN compliant xHaul transport architectures to reconfigure … More → The post Keysight Technologies partners with Telefonica to deploy open networking solutions appeared first on Help Net Security.