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I was recently asked what I expected in the “database management” space over the rest of the decade. My immediate reaction was to adjust the question: where we’re headed—for those who aren’t there already—is all about managing data to good effect. Databases will be in the mix of tools deployed to make the right things happen, but the conversation will shift toward outcomes. It’s a natural—if not inevitable—consequence of every company getting into the business of building what economists call “stocks” (your arsenal of data at rest)  and enabling “flows” of data that cause smart actions in real time (think getting data where it needs to be at the moment that matters most). For technical practitioners, careers will be less “tool centric”—staking your claim, for example, as “an Oracle DBA”—and more about building a track record as a member of teams that creatively leverage an ecosystem to drive business impact. To read this article in full, please click here