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By Mark Alexander The world has changed. And with it, you and your organization will have too. You’ve adapted how you work and perhaps accelerated changes that, until the pandemic, were not a priority. There’s nothing like a crisis to focus attention.  Before COVID-19, we were already working with many clients keen to transform how their organizations communicated and collaborated. Across all sectors, around the world, similar concerns: How can we boost productivity? How do we reduce complexity and too many suppliers? How do we keep costs under control?  These organizations were ahead of the curve. When Covid-19 closed offices and sent people home, we worked with those clients to accelerate those plans. Yet with other clients, in times of need, I’m proud to say we were also able to respond; to help enterprises answer those questions and to enable business continuity; and in turn support the vital work they were doing to benefit others, across all sectors, around the world.  To read this article in full, please click here