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All about Eve, sophisticated AI

New AI model called EVE outperforms other AI methods in determining whether a gene variant is benign or disease-causing. When applied to more than 36 million variants across 3,219 disease-associated proteins and genes, EVE indicated more than 256,000 human gene variants of unknown significance that should be reclassified as benign or pathogenic. Used in combination with current clinical tools, EVE can improve clinical assessments of genetic mutations and boost diagnostic and prognostic accuracy.

Windows 11 Preview Adds Microsoft Account and DoH Discoverability Features

Microsoft’s latest Windows 11 release to Windows Insider program testers in the Dev Channel includes a Microsoft account settings overview screen, plus an enhancement to the Domain Name System (DNS) over HTTPS feature.

How the Air Force manages risk in its supply chains

When a part is needed for a plane in the Air Force, it usually comes through the 448th Supply Chain Wing in the Air Force Sustainment Center. Ensuring that all those parts get to their destinations, and that they are not tampered with or sabotaged, calls for a good deal of risk management.

How the Air Force manages risk in its supply chains

When a part is needed for a plane in the Air Force, it usually comes through the 448th Supply Chain Wing in the Air Force Sustainment Center. Ensuring that all those parts get to their destinations, and that they are not tampered with or sabotaged, calls for a good deal of risk management.

How the Air Force manages risk in its supply chains

When a part is needed for a plane in the Air Force, it usually comes through the 448th Supply Chain Wing in the Air Force Sustainment Center. Ensuring that all those parts get to their destinations, and that they are not tampered with or sabotaged, calls for a good deal of risk management.

Evaluating technical architecture: 11 key criteria and how to apply them

Technical architecture provides a way to describe, evaluate, and plan the evolution of the information technology that IT manages and the enterprise relies on. To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)

RBA finds its next CIO

Promotes its deputy head of IT.

Movandi upgrades features for BeamXR-powered smart repeaters to accelerate mmWave coverage

Movandi announced new features and capabilities to Movandi BeamXR-powered smart repeaters. The upgrades build upon Movandi’s second generation 5G RF-to-antenna BeamX technology. These new capabilities accelerate and reduce the costs of 5G mmWave deployments. New, upgraded features and capabilities for Movandi BeamXR-powered smart repeaters include expanded mmWave spectrum, sub-6 modules, new mesh indoor and outdoor software and cloud intelligence and outdoor solar powered smart repeater support – a key requirement to reduce 5G deployment costs. … More → The post Movandi upgrades features for BeamXR-powered smart repeaters to accelerate mmWave coverage appeared first on Help Net Security.

Secrets to Keeping Your Multi-Cloud Environments Secure

The cloud is a lot of good things, but one thing it definitely isn’t is ransomware-proof. Don’t leave the safety of your cloud data up to chance. Read this Digital Dialogue to learn the biggest mistakes development teams make when they’re first building their applications, why cloud-native security needs a fresh approach, the top six threats to a cloud environment (hint: they’re all coming from inside the house), and more.

Cheap and free cybersecurity training: 8 ways to build skills without breaking the bank

Every organization wants to keep its employees’ cybersecurity skills up to date, but for many, the cost of advanced formal trainings can break the budget. At the SANS Institute, for instance, considered by many to be the gold standard for professional trainings, courses can cost more than $5,000 per person. At high profile conferences like Black Hat, even one- or two-day sessions can range to close to $4,000. But those aren’t the only options out there. In fact, experts say, there are plenty of high-quality ways to boost security skills without breaking the bank. Their suggestions fell into two broad categories: making use of your own internal resources to ensure that cybersecurity knowledge is shared throughout your organization and finding low-cost external resources, either in addition to or as part of your internal efforts. To read this article in full, please click here