433 Central Ave., 4th Floor, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | [email protected] | Office: (813) 563-2652
Yubico launched YubiKey Bio Series, the first YubiKey series that supports fingerprint recognition for secure passwordless and second factor logins. Built for biometric authentication on desktops, the YubiKey Bio Series supports modern FIDO2/WebAuthn and U2F protocols, in both USB-A and USB-C form factors. The YubiKey Bio is available for purchase at a retail price of $80 for the USB-A form-factor and $85 for the USB-C form-factor. Premium tier YubiEnterprise Subscription customers can also experience YubiKey … More → The post YubiKey Bio Series supports fingerprint recognition for passwordless and second factor logins appeared first on Help Net Security.