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ADM takes process-oriented approach to IT modernization

Archer Daniels Midland is moving beyond its agricultural roots, and for the multinational food processer and supplier, IT is proving a key ingredient for its transformation. To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)

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Transforming Cloud Security with SASE: SASE is a security framework designed to counter threats that thrive in an environment which is invisible and distributed. Learn more. #PoseidonTPA #RedmondMag #Webcasts

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Transforming Cloud Security with SASE: SASE is a security framework designed to counter threats that thrive in an environment which is invisible and distributed. Learn more. #PoseidonTPA #RedmondMag #Webcasts

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Transforming Cloud Security with SASE: SASE is a security framework designed to counter threats that thrive in an environment which is invisible and distributed. Learn more. #PoseidonTPA #RedmondMag #Webcasts