433 Central Ave., 4th Floor, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | [email protected] | Office: (813) 563-2652

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)
Poseidon provides top-tier vCISO Services covering all the same responsibilities as a conventional CISO only on-demand and can reduce overhead cost of a full-time employee. Our vCISO’s responsibilities are based on improving and maintaining your company’s cyber security vision, strategy, and goals to ensure assets, information and technologies are sufficiently protected.

vCISO’s conduct comprehensive assessments of a company’s security posture to pinpoint weaknesses and optimize their security standing over the long-term by establishing security standards, implementing controls, and responding rapidly to incidents; continually refining your approach to address the dynamic threat landscape along with industry best practices and regulations.

vCISO-as-a-Service Provides


Determine Current State – Assess and document your current state based on regulatory requirements, solution portfolio, risk tolerance and corporate vision.


Develop a Security Strategy – Review the current-state documentation and facilitate the development of effective, rigorous and agile risk-based security methodology.


Establish an Action Plan – Based on the security strategy, establish a plan of action based on risk exposure, vertical, team dynamics, as well as methodology for continual testing and improvement.


Determine the Next Steps – Our security services include infrastructure and application security, identify an access management, advanced threat, security operations and additional security advisory services.

Our team of experts have decades of experience in building information security programs, performing compliance/evidence maintenance, policy reviews/updates, practices and overall compliance review, GAP analysis, penetration testing, and assessment/audit support services (Assessor Liaison support); working with business objectives and showing measurable improvement of your security posture. CMMC, NIST 800-171, NIST 800-53, ISO 27001, C2MA, SOC 2, HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, FISMA, DIACAP, FedRamp, and Risk Management Framework just to name a few.

vCISO Services give an organization a wide range of options grouped into 3 Support levels:

Bronze Level – A vCISO at the bronze level can support your organization by quickly integrating with your current staff. With Bronze support we can do this less frequently still helping meet long-term goals and reduce costs. Our Bronze Level vCISO provides our small business partners with the peace-of-mind they deserve by performing quarterly vulnerability scanning, consulting in technical meetings, deploying anti-virus, and more.

Silver Level – With our Silver Level support vCISO Program your organization can get expert guidance on more advanced security needs and/or maintain compliance requirements. With this package you can have more control over the frequency you want your new consultant to engage with your team. For example, testing on a monthly basis, security awareness training, incident response, everything included with bronze level, and more.

Gold Level – As organizations advance, often so does their technology footprint and the need to keep it secure. With Gold Level support your vCISO can handle the full spectrum of your company’s InfoSec needs, with growth comes additional risks and threats to your business. This could include 24×7 support for your team, annual cyber security briefing, On-demand scanning, everything included with silver level support, and more.

vCISO Service Benefits

  • On-Demand Security Consulting
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Advanced Threat Protection
  • Compliance Management
  • Quarterly Security Review Presentations
  • Cybersecurity Leadership
  • Objective Measurable Performance
  • Policy Development
  • Technical Guidance
  • Security Architecture Development
  • Cybersecurity Standards
  • Operational Security
  • Security Remediation

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