433 Central Ave., 4th Floor, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | [email protected] | Office: (813) 563-2652

Technical Advisor/Business Development

Maj (Ret.) David Whipkey has a rich background in Information Technology with over 40 years in Information Technology systems development as Director and Program Manager supporting military and commercial missions

Throughout his career, Maj (Ret.) Whipkey served in several key leadership and staff positions. His assignments included:
  • CIO for Numbered Air Force in Korea responsible for all computer operations and support for US Air Forces stationed in Korea. Responsible for oversight of a combined computer support organization in Korea (over 100 people) as well as satellite support organizations in Guam, Alaska and Hawaii.
  • Crafted the design of a consolidated computer support organization responsible for main frame, network and desktop support where separate organizations existed previously. The new organization included new responsibilities in networked applications that were used by both Korean and US military forces.
  • Project manager for delivery of the first distributed network of computer systems used by US and Korean military forces to create the Air Tasking Order for forces (Army, Naval, Air Forces) in defense of South Korea. C4I experience. Led ATO certification of new system.
  • Supported classified operations based in Central America and Guam. “Purple suited” with management of US Army personnel as well as joint USAF and USN operations. Authored classified tactics manuals for USAF / USN joint operations. Led first Defense Nuclear Agency inspection of Andersen Air Force base as well as computer inspections of multiple USAF computer facilities. Over 3000 B-52 flight hours as Navigator, Radar Navigator, Instructor and Wing S-O1 Flight Evaluator. Weapons Officer and Tactics Officer prior to transfer to Comm-Computer career field.
  • Maj (Ret.) Whipkey holds a Master’s in Business Administration from North Dakota, a Bachelor of Science in Computers from University of Maryland, and a Bachelor of Arts in Management from University of Georgia.